09/12/2024 - 21/12/2024 26/05/25 - 14/06/25 11/12/2023 - 22/12/2024 13/05/24 - 30/05/24 12/12/2022 - 21/12/2023 15/05/2023 - 27/05/2023 9/12/2020 - 22/12/2021 16/05/2021 - 28/05/2022
16/06/25 - 05/07/25
07/07/25 - 26/07/25
01/09/25 - 13/09/25
08/01/2024 - 20/01/2024
22/01/2024 - 03/02/2024
05/02/2024 - 17/02/2024
31/05/24 - 18/06/24
19/06/24 - 08/07/24
09/07/24 - 27/07/24
02/09/24 - 14/09/24
09/01/2023 - 18/01/2023
19/01/2023 - 28/01/2023
30/01/2023 - 11/02/2023
29/05/2023 - 17/06/2023
19/06/2023 - 08/07/2023
10/07/2023 - 29/07/2023
04/09/2023 - 16/09/2023
10/1/2021 - 20/1/2022
21/1/2021 - 1/2/2022
2/2/2021 - 12/2/2022
Letter drawn
30/05/2021 - 18/06/2022
20/06/2021 - 9/07/2022
11/07/2021 - 30/07/2022
5/09/2021 - 17/09/2022
Letter drawn
Exams are held in face-to-face mode. The University of Turin, after the resolution of the Academic Senate number 8/2023/IV/3 of 26th April 2023, has established the possibility to request remote exams and graduations, for the a.y. 2022-2023 and for the following years, until new dispositions will be fixed. The service is for students with temporary or permanent severe health problems, which make extremely difficult or impossible the attendance at the university and that are certified by a general practitioner or by a specialized doctor recognized by the Italian NHS or similar (for international students).
Such possibility will be granted only by following the specific procedure described by the Academic Senate in the mentioned resolution number 8/2023/IV/3 (read the resolution here, in Italian) and available at this link (see "Remote exams")
Visit the web-page about students with special needs to contact the Ufficio Studenti con Disabilità e DSA
Following a resolution by the Council of the Scuola di Scienze Giuridiche, Politiche ed Economico-Sociali, for the Departments of Law, Culture Politics and Society and Economia e Statistica "Cognetti de Martiis”, the time frame to register for exams has changed.
During the 2021 summer session, it is possible to register for the exams from 20 days to 3 days before the exam date.
Starting from the 2021/2022 winter session (from December 2021), it will be possible to register for the exams from 20 days to 4 days before the exam date.
A red alert appearing while registering for the exam means that it is not possible to register yet, because there are more than 20 days left for the exam.
To see the exam schedule (date and place):
1) Go to Exam schedule and select “Department of Law” from the drop down menu;
2) Choose one of the options (Course; Activity, Professor or exam date).
The exam schedule is regularly updated on the ESSE3 system.
To enrol for an exam, students must:
1) check that the course they want to take the exam for, is present in their on line “Academic history”;
2) have paid their university fees;
3) have completed the course and professor evaluation on Edumeter.
Students must enrol for an exam by going to UniTo and accessing their profile on MyUniTO Studente. They should then open the menu "Exams" and select "Exam dates" where there is a list of courses they can enrol for. By clicking on the blue Academic history symbol, students can see the teacher’s name, time and place of the exam and complete enrolment by clicking on "Enrol for exam".
Students who must take an exam in the computer labs must check that their SCU ID (which are the same used for enrolling for an exam and accessing the Campus Wi-Fi) are working as they will need their username and password to access a pc and the exam.
The check must be carried out on free access computer workstations located throughout the University and in particular, at the Bobbio Library or the open space of the Palazzina Einaudi.
Should students have problems with their password, they are advised to contact UniTO Support Services.
Should students have problems in enrolling, they should submit a request through the Help Desk Service providing this information:
- Name and Surname;
- Enrollment Number;
- Name of degree course the student is enrolled in;
- Enrollment year;
- Course code of exam that the student wants to take;
- Name of course;
- Brief description of problem.
N.B. only requests sent via Help Desk will be taken into consideration.
Students who must take an exam in the computer labs must check that their SCU ID (which are the same used for enrolling for an exam and accessing the Campus Wi-Fi) are working as they will need their username and password to access a pc and the exam.
The check must be carried out on free access computer workstations located throughout the University and in particular, at the Bobbio Library or the open space of the Palazzina Einaudi.
Should students have problems with their password, they are advised to contact UniTO Support Services.
Read the tutorial "How to access devices in Computer Labs".