Continuing Studies After Global Law
The Department offers a general Master’s degree (Corso di laurea magistrale a ciclo unico in Giurisprudenza) that gives the possibility to practice the traditional legal professions in Italy.
After graduating in Global Law and Transnational Studies, students can enroll in the general Master’s degree (Corso di laurea magistrale a ciclo unico in Giurisprudenza) and academic credits (CFU) gained will be entirely recognised as from attached charts.
The Department of Law offers also two specific Master’s degrees (Corsi di laurea magistrale biennali) and, after the Bachelor’s degree in Global Law and Transnational Legal Studies, students can also continue their studies by following them:
- European Legal Studies (in English)
- Scienze amministrative e giuridiche delle organizzazioni pubbliche e private (in Italian).
As a result of the Bologna Process, all UNITO law degrees are fully comparable and transferrable across Europe, and graduates of the law department in fact practice in a number of leading jurisdictions across Europe.
Summary Table - Global Law CFU recognized by Magistrale a ciclo unico